UPSC is the toughest and most prestigious exam for becoming a civil servant. When you are preparing for the UPSC exam choosing the best books and study resources will be a crucial and success-deciding factor. Therefore this matter should not be handled lightly. You are going to spend a good amount of money and time on the preparation so here is the list of top 10 must-read books for UPSC exam preparation. Read the blog to discover which books to refer to and how to know it is the best book for UPSC preparation.
Top 10 Books for UPSC Exam Preparation
UPSC exams are based on the NCERT books. If your basic concepts are clear, then clearing the exam in the first attempt is going to be a cakewalk for you. So the NCERT books should be the first preference of anyone attempting UPSC civil services exams. Other than this you must go for some specific books with specialized questions and practice sets for UPSC exams.
Best UPSC Books List by SD Publication
SD publication has a range of books for preparation for UPSC exams. Each book has its own features that make it different from other books in the market. These books are from experts and have tricks and techniques suggested by them. All these features will help the candidate to have a better understanding of the concepts along with the exam pattern. It further will help you manage time in the exam hall.
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FAQs for Books for UPSC Exam Preparation
Ques 1: Which book should I read for UPSC preparation?
Ans 1: You can start preparing for UPSC exams from the SD publication book 31-Years UPSC Civil Services Examination Chapterwise Solved Papers GS-1.
Ques 2: How to choose the best books for clearing UPSC in the first attempt?
Ans 2: The best book for clearing UPSC on the first attempt should have the previous year’s questions, tricks and tips for exams, trend analysis of questions and exam patterns, facts, and official answer key.
Ques 3: What are some best novels to read for UPSC aspirants in Hindi?
Ans 3: You can read some novels from writers for knowledge of history and geography.
Ques 4: What are some books for UPSC beginners?
Ans 4: You can buy the SD publication book for maths – Advanced Mathematics for All Competitive Examinations, for Reasoning – Reasoning All Examination Book, and Exam Warrior General Knowledge.
Ques 5: What are some recommended books for IAS by toppers for civil service exams?
Ans 5: The best and recommended books suggested by IAS toppers is – 31 years UPSC civil services examination.